From: Heather Wiebe
Sent: October-18-12 10:04 AM
To: Brian Oleson; Gary Fulcher; Laurie Connor; Tee Boon Goh; Danny Mann;; Peter McVetty
Cc: Lynda Closson; Barbara Hewitt; Martha Blouw; Allison Cranmer; Evelyn Fehr; Kathy Graham
Subject: World Opportunities Week 2012


Good morning,

Please forward the following to academics and graduate students in your departments, sent on behalf of Martin Scanlon, Acting Associate Dean (Research):


The World W.I.S.E. Resource Centre - International Centre for Students, is now accepting nominations for the Senate approved prize - The Nahlah Ayed Prize for Student Leadership and Global Citizenship.  Application deadline is December 14, 2012.


World Opportunities Week 2012 will be held from October 22 - 25, 2012 on the Fort Garry campus.  This year it kicks-off with a day of culture and entertainment followed by three days of presentations, lectures, and workshops that feature a wide range of international opportunities for University of Manitoba students.  More information about this event can be viewed at





Heather Wiebe

Confidential Secretary to the Associate Deans

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Ph: 204-474-6029