-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Charity BBQ
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:33:09 -0500
From: umvaisma@cc.umanitoba.ca
To: Bev Godard <godardbd@cc.umanitoba.ca>

Hi Bev,

Can you please forward this to all the grad students?



Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone's summer is going well so far.

Its time to start getting ready for our annual charity bbq, this year it will be held on August 7. For those of you who don't know, every year the Plant Science graduate students organize a charity bbq to raise money for a local charity. This year we will be donating to the same charity as last year, the Spence Neighbourhood Children's garden, which is an organization that has gardening programs for inner city children.

The social committee has already started organizing the bbq, but we need lots of help from everyone. You can help out as much (or as little) as you want, but any help would be greatly appreciated! I know that last year the Spence Neighbourhood Childrens's Garden was extremely happy with our donations, so let's show them our support again!

Here is a list of the committees you can get involved with and the person you should contact:

1. Entertainment - Teresa (teresasutanto@gmail.com)

               - organize entertainment for the day

2. Promotion -Victoria (umgauthv@cc.umanitoba.ca) or

                       Kaleigh (umyanch1@cc.umanitoba.ca)

           - create and distribute posters, sell tickets, etc

3. Setup - Meghan ( umrose@cc.umanitoba.ca)

           - prepare food, setup on the day, aquire furniture, etc.

Thanks for your help and let me know if you any questions (umvaisma@cc.umanitoba.ca)


Bev Godard
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
66 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8563
Fax:     (204) 474-7528