From: Fouad Daayf
Sent: August-21-14 4:51 PM
To: Martha Blouw; Bev Godard
Subject: FW: Seed of the Year Scholarship - U of M


Please see below.





Fouad Daayf, Ph.D., D.d'Etat

Professor & Acting Head

Department of Plant Science

222, Agriculture Building

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB

R3T 2N2, Canada

Phone: 204-474-6096

Fax:   204-474-7528





From: Jared Carlberg
Sent: August-21-14 3:32 PM
To: Fouad Daayf
Cc: Agriculture Awards Program
Subject: FW: Seed of the Year Scholarship - U of M


Dear Dr. Daayf,


Please circulate the attached "Seed of the Year" scholarship notice & application form within your unit. Note the internal application deadline of October 10th, 2014.


With thanks,


Jared Carlberg, Ph.D.

Acting Associate Dean (Academic)

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

261 Agriculture Building

University of Manitoba




From: Todd Hyra <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:47:26 +0000
To: Brian Amiro <>
Subject: Seed of the Year Scholarship - U of M


Hello Brian,


I hope you are having a great summer!


Seed of the Year will be once again be offering a $4000 scholarship.   Attached is an updated application form for the 2014/2015 Seed of the Year.  Please post at your earliest opportunity.  The closing deadline for applications is October 10, 2014.  If I could have the applications two weeks after the closing date it would be appreciated. Electronic submissions work great for us as they can be more easily circulated for review.


In the past the U of M pre-screened the applicants and submitted the two top candidates.  It would be appreciated if this could be done again this season. 


I look forward to seeing this year’s candidates!


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.  You can also can visit for further information.







Todd Hyra
Business Manager, Western Canada
94 Woodington Bay
Winnipeg, MB, R3P 1M9
T: 204-489-9126
F: 204-489-3615
C: 204-782-8906

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