-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Postdoctoral opportunity in plant genetics
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 08:37:44 -0500
From: umbagava@cc.umanitoba.ca
To: godardbd@cc.umanitoba.ca

Hi Bev,

Please forward this to grad students in our department.




Postdoctoral Opportunity

Crop Genetics Department, John-Innes Centre, UK

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Crop Genetics Department to work on quantitative variation in photoperiod response in wheat.

The successful candidate will join a team working in the area of flowering and adaptation in wheat.  The project will investigate mutations of the Photoperiod (Ppd) genes in bread wheat to understand how combinations of gain and loss of function mutations on the three wheat genomes provide variation in flowering time.  As well as investigating the specific role of the Ppd genes the project will address how gene expression on the three wheat genomes is coordinated to control plant development.  Further details of this project and the laboratory can be found at http://www.jic. ac.uk/profile/ david-laurie. asp

The post holder will be responsible for the analysis of gene expression in wheat lines with different combinations of gain or loss of function alleles of the Ppd gene, studying the Ppd gene itself and other genes in the photoperiod pathway.  This will include the development of quantitative assays to measure the expression of homologous genes on the three wheat genomes and analysis of when and where the Ppd gene is expressed during plant development.  The post-holder will also develop constructs to test Ppd function using transgenic barley and analyze flowering time and gene expression in transgenic lines.

The John Innes Centre is a world-class Institute and is looking to appoint an exceptional candidate who has, or expects to soon receive a PhD in genetics and/or molecular biology.  We will be providing the job-holder with opportunities to develop their technical and transferable skills during this assignment, by way of training programmes, coaching and mentoring.

Essential skills required are experience of; quantitative measurement of gene expression, gene cloning and sequencing, experience of using transgenic approaches.  In addition, we require; computer literacy; the ability to handle complex ideas, to reason quickly and accurately and to work at a high level of technical accuracy; the ability to organise and run parallel strands of the project.  Previous experience of cereals is not necessary.

The salary on appointment will be within the range £25,576 to £28,418 dependent upon qualifications and experience. Candidates who have up to three years postdoc experience will be appointed under the Postdoctoral Training Fellowship scheme http://www.jic. ac.uk/corporate/ opportunities/ vacancies/ PDF_Scheme_ overview. doc. More experienced candidates will be appointed on a Limited Term Contract http://www.jic. ac.uk/corporate/ opportunities/ lta.htm.

For further information and details of how to apply, please visit our web site http://jobs. jic.ac.uk or contact Human Resources, The Operations Centre, Norwich Bioscience Institutes, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK, 01603 450462 quoting reference 1001744.

The closing date for applications will be 9th July 2008.

The John Innes Centre is a registered charity (No. 223852) grant-aided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Best regards,

Bev Godard
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
66 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8563
Fax:     (204) 474-7528