Registration for PSGSS, which is taking place on March 15 and 16 at the University of Saskatchewan, is closing TODAY February 1st,  so if you would like to attend, please register!

Note also that if you would like to present, you must both register AND submit an abstract, which can be done under the "Abstracts and Presentation" tab on the website, which I've included below. This way we can officially add you to the schedule. Abstracts are due February 16th.
I've gotten quite a few messages about students having issues and errors when submitting abstracts. If this is happening to you, please send all the necessary information from the submission form to me directly (

If you have registered and are needing a hotel, please book it as soon as possible. There is a block at the Holiday Inn near campus, but rooms are limited, and you are not guaranteed a room if they sell out. Please book using the link found under the "Accommodations" tab on the website below.

​Céline Ferré (she/her/elle)
M.Sc. Candidate - Plant Science
     University of Saskatchewan