The meeting will be held in Rm 218. 




From: Bev Godard
Sent: September-27-16 3:15 PM
Subject: FW Dr. Rob Duncan: Point Meeting
Importance: High


From: Rob Duncan
Sent: September-27-16 3:12 PM
To: Bev Godard
Subject: Point Meeting


To all personnel working at the Point,


Since the Point Management and Operations Committee (PMOC) was formed, the Committee has met 3 times.


One goal of the PMOC was to bring together all people working at the Point. 


Thus, I would like to call a meeting/discussion for 9am on October 13th.


Topics to discuss will include:


-Seed processing, drying room and long-term storage operations and guidelines (see below)

-Rodent-proof storage options

-Point zone management

-Land use requests and summaries

-Biosecurity updates and discussion

-Issues related to Common Bunt

-Other items


Please let me know if you have any other items that you would like to discuss as a group.


See you on the 13th,




Robert W. Duncan, Ph.D.

Chair, Point Management and Operations Committee





The PMOC would like all parties using the Point Drying Room to stick to the following guidelines.


1) Retain seed and samples on drying beds for a maximum of 48 hrs. 


2) After 48 hrs of drying, move seed/samples into rodent-proof containers.  
