From: Rob Visser
Sent: March-26-14 3:10 PM
To: Bev Godard
Subject: orientation email





In my efforts to create a healthy, plant growth and work environment for all greenhouse community users, I wish to create an orientation session that highlights major pest and disease issues, cleanliness protocols, safety practices and demonstrates the basics of using the greenhouse tools and equipment. I am in the initial stages of creating the orientation and seek your input. 


This will, literally, only take a minute. Unless you never use the greenhouses in the agriculture building I request that you answer the two questions below in a sentence or two. Your answers will be kept confidential.  I hope to offer the orientation later this spring.




1. From your experience, what is the one thing that currently makes the greenhouse function efficiently and smoothly?



2. From your experience, what is your greatest concern about the way the greenhouse working area currently functions?


Include additional constructive comments here:





Thank you for your cooperation,


Rob Visser (greenhouse manager)