From: Parneet Toora <>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2024 10:41 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Subject: Safety for all
Importance: High



Hello Everyone,


We have had a number of safety incidents in the last month or so. We really need to pay close attention and learn from them to prevent any injury to our staff and students. It is everyone's responsibility to stay safe and keep others safe around you.


Any spraying in the field (point, glenlea and carman) should be communicated and signs posted in the plots regarding chemical used and reentry intervals.


Anyone working in the field must take the below linked online safety training from The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association.  


Please go through the attached guidelines from our department regarding different safety items. 


Let me know if you have any questions!



Chair, Safety group of Plant Science




Parneet Toora, M.Sc.

Research Technician

Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB


Ph: 204-474-6065