Be Herd: Where do YOU stand in cultivating Sustainability, Mon. Mar 20, 2:305:30, 130 Agriculture

Students ‐ Have YOUR Say about YOUR Education

Shape future learning opportunities in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable

agriculture in your Faculty.

What can we do in 1, 2 or 5 years to better prepare graduates like you to be sustainability

champions and practitioners in their future careers in agriculture?

Sustainability in PRACTICE ‐ Hear from PRODUCERS Walking the Talk

How are three prominent past UofM Aggies applying sustainable production practices on their

farms and in their off‐farm pursuits?

Hindsight 20:20. Based on what they know now, what skills and experiences in the realm of

sustainability do they think are necessary for today’s graduates?


Adam Gurr is a no‐till grain farmer and on‐farm researcher. He also operates Agritruth Research Inc., an

independent agronomic research company. Follow @GurrAdam and @Agritruth


Kristine Tapley raises beef cattle and is the regional beef production specialist with Ducks Unlimited

Canada. Kristine has stated “conservation matters as much as cattle”.


Ryan Boyd is a self‐described “family farmer growing grain, grass and soil” practicing crop‐livestock

integration. Follow @Glantonboyd


Registration is free and includes refreshments. Deadline: March 13.


Email to reserve your spot.