-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Election results!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 14:52:03 -0500
From: umvaisma@cc.umanitoba.ca
To: Martha_Blouw@umanitoba.ca

Hi Martha! Can you please send this out to the grad students? thanks!

Hi everyone!

Thank you to everyone who attended and voted at today's bbq/elections. I think we've put together a really great team for the 2010-2011 PSGSA!  There are  still positions available for Social Committee. The social committee helps to plan events with Roger Watts, the social director. If you don't have lots of time to commit but would like to be involved somehow, then the social committe would be a great way for you to get involved. 

Thank you again to all the PSGSA members from 2009-2010 for all your hard work!

The PSGSA members for 2010-2011 are:

President – Laura Wiebe

Treasurer – Sean Asselin

Social Director – Roger Watts

            Social committee – Kristine Waddell , Chami Amarasinghe

GSA representative – Suanglong Huang

Department of Plant Science Council representative  Caroline Halde

Advanced Plant Science seminar series representative – Kevin Baron and Caroline Halde

Sports Representative – Jodi Larkin

Department of Plant Science Safety Committee – Derek Lewis

Department of Plant Science Computer Committee – Derek Lewis

Department of Plant Science Library Committee – Derek Lewis

PSGSA webmaster – Nas Javed