From: Top Crop Manager West <>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 10:50 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Subject: Helping crops weather drought


Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.


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Feb 15, 2024




Super Spotlight

Brought to you by GFL Environmental Inc.

When planning your farm’s crop nutrition plan, choosing Bio-Sul Premium Plus will give your crops season-long nutrition and boost yield potential.
Learn About Bio-Sul






Pulse sector receives funding to address production challenges

To help strengthen Canada's pulse industry, the Canadian government announced funding of up to $11,017,979 to Pulse Canada. » Read More...

BROUGHT TO YOU BY – Koch Agronomic Services

Low-Rate Stabilizers Come With a Cost

Learn about higher active ingredient formulas developed by one of the industry’s most trusted providers and see how they’re able to outperform. » Read more

New drought advisory committee established in Alberta

After several dry years, Alberta’s winter snowpack is well below average, many rivers are at record low levels and multiple reservoirs remain well below capacity. » Read more...






Top Crop Summit 2024 just around the corner

Top Crop Summit 2024 is fast approaching, so don’t miss your chance to join Top Crop Manager for its ninth annual event Feb. 27-28 at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, Sask. Unlock the latest advancements in research and trends and gain insights to deepen your expertise and prepare for a successful 2024 growing season. This year’s Top Crop Summit provides exclusive access to the latest industry research, trends and expert advice from a speaker list that includes Tom Wolf, Dr. Charles Geddes, Jason Deveau, Dr. Michelle Hubbard and more.

Register today at and have your most pressing questions answered and connect with industry experts.
» Register now...





Soil microbes for drought-resilient crops

The microbes in and around an oilseed plant’s roots could be a resource for helping the plant deal with drought stress. That’s the intriguing concept behind a project led by microbiologist Tim Dumonceaux, a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in Saskatoon. » Learn more...



Drought-tolerant crops on the horizon

May you never have to live through another drought – but if you do, researchers are moving forward with drought-tolerant crops. While they wouldn’t be able to tolerate the 2021 drought that occurred in many areas of the Prairies, drought-tolerant canola and wheat varieties under development might help survive less severe droughts. » Learn more...






Top Crop Summit 2024

February 27, 2024 | 503 Ruth St. W, Saskatoon, SK » Read More...

International Farm Management Congress

July 7, 2024 | 51 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Sask., S7N 5A8 » Read More...




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