From: Heather Wiebe
Sent: March-09-17 2:10 PM
To: James House; Paul Bullock; Fouad Daayf; Danny Mann; Robert Currie; Martin Nyachoti; Derek Brewin
Cc: Chantal Bassett; Pam Gauthier; Lynda Closson; Bev Godard; Martha Blouw; Heather Innis; Kathy Graham; Research Agriculture; Surinder Kamboz; Jennifer McLaren
Subject: FW: Free Mitacs Step workshops at U of Manitoba
Importance: High


Good afternoon,

Please circulate the two Mitacs workshop announcements below to graduate students and postdocs in your departments. Note that space is limited and they will fill up fairly quickly.

Thank you,

Heather on behalf of Martin Scanlon, Associate Dean (Research)


Heather Wiebe

Confidential Secretary to the Associate Deans

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Ph: 204-474-6029




From: Iman Yahyaie []
Sent: March-08-17 5:26 PM
To: Martin Scanlon; Research Agriculture
Subject: Free Mitacs Step workshops at U of Manitoba
Importance: High


Good afternoon Martin,


Hope all is well.


Our Step team has asked me to share this info about two upcoming workshops that are happening here at U of M.   These workshops, as with all Mitacs Step workshops, are free for both graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (however, the preauthorization of a valid credit card is required as part of the registration process).   I really appreciate it if you kindly share these with Agriculture students/postdocs and encourage them to register ASAP, as space is limited and they’ll fill up fairly quickly.


The two workshops are:


·         Discovering the Entrenpreneur Within – March 16, 2017

Discovering the Entrepreneur Within has participants analyze successful entrepreneurial ventures and identify what it took for those entrepreneurs to reach their goals. Using an interactive, team-based approach, this full-day workshop builds awareness of the current Canadian entrepreneurial landscape and resources available to those looking to start their own business.


·         Essentials of Productive Teams – March 20, 2017

More than ever, organizational success depends on people working together - effectively. The pressure to communicate productively, quickly turn ideas into profitable action and consistently deliver results never decreases. Using team simulation exercises, participants work from a clear understanding of personal strengths and an appreciation of the differences in others will be the foundation of success in the future.



Thank you,




Mitacs is now accepting proposals for the following programs & initiatives:


·         Mitacs is now accepting applications for staudent research travel opportunities to Brazil, China, France, India, Korea, Mexico and Tunisia!  Visit our webpage or contact us to learn more.  The deadline to apply is March 31, 2017 (5 pm PST).

·         Faculty & postdoctoral fellows in all disciplines:  Canadian Science Policy Fellowship offers a 12-month immersion into the policy-making process.  Review and select the projects submitted by the host government departments and submit your applications by March 14, 2017 (5 pm PST).



| Iman Yahyaie, PhD | Director, Business Development | Mitacs

| C: (204) 599 9434 | E: | Twitter : @Iman_Mitacs | W:

| O: A250, Agricultural Engineering Building, 96 Dafoe Rd, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, R3T 5V6

| Sign up to receive Mitacs news! | Connect with us!  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Inspiring innovation

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