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Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 4:03 PM
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Subject: [Gs-suppstaff-contacts] GradSteps Workshops - Planning what to write: Mapping your thesis/dissertation





University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies

GradSteps Workshops

GradSteps are free workshops designed to help graduate students navigate their programs and prepare them to transfer their skills and knowledge into the workplace. Postdoctoral fellows are also welcome to attend GradSteps workshops to continue learning new skills for their careers.

Workshops are a hybrid format of in-person and online. Please check the location carefully when registering.

Planning what to write: Mapping your thesis/dissertation
Presenter: Miriam Unruh, Academic Learning Centre

Writer’s block is not caused by a lack of inspiration. Instead, it is caused by insufficient research, lack of organizational planning, and/or negative emotions writers may have about the writing process.  Developing an outline and a well-articulated writing plan can help to reduce all three. This hands-on workshop includes a demonstration of several planning techniques, including outlining and reverse outlining, thesis mapping, and the snowflake method. Students will work on developing their plans during the workshop. 

Note: This workshop is designed for students who have already started writing their thesis and/or who are planning on attending the writing retreat in May 2024. The material covered in both workshops is the same; however, students are welcome to attend both.


March 19 - 4:30 PM (Online)
April 17 - 12:00 PM (Online)

Experience Record

As GradSteps is an approved activity, you can claim experience credit for your workshop attendance if you register for and attend at least six GradSteps workshops within the applicable year (May 1 to April 30). For in-person workshops, please ensure that you sign the attendance sheet at workshop start.
Learn more 


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