FW: Winter 2021 Plant Science Seminar Series
From: Kristen MacMillan Sent: December 23, 2020 9:05 AM To: Bev Godard Bev.Godard@umanitoba.ca Subject: Winter 2021 Plant Science Seminar Series
Dear members of Plant Science,
The Advanced Plant Science Seminar committee invites you to join us once again in the New Year for the Winter 2021 Advanced Plant Science Seminar Series.
The Plant Science Graduate Student Association will be hosting the first seminar on Thursday, January 21 with special guest Dr. Marie Jasieniuk, Professor and Plant Biologist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California - Davis. Dr. Jasieniuk will sharing a seminar on "Inferring the Origins, Evolution, and Spread of Weed Populations using Molecular Tools" (register herehttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9170319912989203215) and you may also be interested to know that she did post-doctoral work in our department and grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan.
The full tentative schedule is attached with registration links for each seminar. Thank you for your participation this fall - our virtual series was quite successful with 52-104 participants for our external speakers and 44-47 for our graduate student seminars.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all,
Stay safe,
Kristen MacMillan on behalf of the seminar committee
participants (1)
Bev Godard