FW: The Student Voice at NABC - $750 travel stipend
The deadline for this has been extended to April 27. Please see the following:
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: FW: The Student Voice at NABC - $750 travel stipend Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:47:48 -0500 From: Wendy Kramer Wendy_Kramer@umanitoba.ca Organization: University of Manitoba To: 'Martha Blouw' Martha_Blouw@umanitoba.ca, 'Judy Powell' Judy_Powell@umanitoba.ca, 'Allison Cranmer' cranmer@cc.umanitoba.ca, 'Lynda Closson' Lynda_Closson@umanitoba.ca, Cathy Plouffe catharine_plouffe@umanitoba.ca, 'Kathy Graham' grahamk@cc.umanitoba.ca, 'Evelyn Fehr' fehre@cc.umanitoba.ca CC: Merv Pritchard merv_pritchard@umanitoba.ca
Hi Everyone,
To date we have not received any applications for $750 travel stipend for the The Student Voice at NABC. If you have any students in your department interested please forward their application (available at the link listed in the email below) to Wendy Kramer in 160 Agriculture Building no later than 4:30pm Wednesday, April 27^th , 2011.
Information (please see also previous email)
*The Student Voice at NABC*
/The Student Voice at NABC/is a program designed to allow graduate students from NABC member institutions http://nabc.cals.cornell.edu/../../../../../Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/membership/memb_list.cfm interested in learning more about "/Food-Security: The Intersection of Sustainability, Safety and Defense/ http://z.umn.edu/nabc23, " to attend the 23rd NABC Annual Meeting. The students will receive a travel stipend of up to $750 and free meeting registration (including most meals and all meeting materials.)
This year's meeting is hosted by The University of Minnesota.
*NABC 23:*/Food-Security: The Intersection of Sustainability, Safety and Defense/ http://z.umn.edu/nabc23, June 15-17, 2011
Thank you.
Wendy Kramer, B.Sc. (Agrbus)
Academic Advisor
Diploma in Agriculture Program
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
(204) 474-6066
*From:*Wendy Kramer [mailto:Wendy_Kramer@umanitoba.ca] *Sent:* April-06-11 9:40 AM *To:* 'Judy Powell'; Cathy Plouffe (catharine_plouffe@umanitoba.ca); 'Kathy Graham'; 'Martha Blouw'; 'Evelyn Fehr'; 'Allison Cranmer'; 'Lynda Closson' *Subject:* FW: The Student Voice at NABC - $750 travel stipend
Hi Everyone,
Please let advertise this notice of award to your students and encourage interested individuals to apply.
Thank you.
Have a nice day!
Email Notice:
_Graduate Students_
Please see the following email regarding student travel support to the National Agricultural Biotechnology Council conference at the University of Manitoba in June 2011. One student from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science will be recommended to receive a $750 travel award to attend.
Applications must be submitted to Room 160 Agriculture Building by *April 20, 2011.*
*The application form can be accessed at:*
Thank you
*From: *National Agricultural Biotechnology Council <nabc@cornell.edu mailto:nabc@cornell.edu>
*Date: *March 31, 2011 2:38:37 PM CDT
*Subject: The Student Voice at NABC - $750 travel stipend*
Please make students at your institution aware of this year's Student Voice travel stipend to attendNABC 23:/Food-Security: The Intersection of Sustainability, Safety and Defense/ http://z.umn.edu/nabc23. NABC provides up to $750 to one graduate student from each member institution as well as free meeting registration.
Details and application form are available athttp://nabc.cals.cornell.edu/studentvoice/index.cfm
Please distribute this offer widely at your institution. The students need not be working on the specific theme of the meeting, but need to have a general interest in agricultural biotechnology.
The students are selected by the member institutions, not by NABC. So while we need a copy of the registration form for organizational purposes, other application materials such as letter of recommendation by the advisor and project description should not be forwarded to NABC.
Please let me know as soon as a student has been selected as delegate so I can handle their registration and help them with finding a roommate, should that be desired.
Susanne Lipari
Executive Coordinator
National Agricultural Biotechnology Council
B 15 Boyce Thompson Institute
Ithaca, NY 14853
nabc@cornell.edu mailto:nabc@cornell.edu
participants (1)
Martha Blouw