Hi everyone,
We will be having a spring potluck on Thursday, May 25th at 12:00 pm! Everyone is encouraged to come, and bring a dish to share! Please sign up by either sending me an email (ammetera@myumanitoba.ca) or on the sign up sheet posted in the lounge.
We ask that you indicate what type of dish you will be bringing (ex. Appetizer, main course, dessert etc.), so we can ensure we have a variety of dishes! While it is not necessary that all dishes be suitable for everyone to enjoy, please keep in mind that some of our group have peanut allergies, are vegans or vegetarians or have other dietary restrictions.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Ashley Ammeter
MSc Student PSGSA Social Director 2016-2017 222 Agriculture Building University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R37 2N2
participants (1)
Ashley Ammeter