

Please see attached information from the DC meeting in March.


Pease let me know if you have any questions.







1. Special Department Council Meetings dedicated to the Plant Science Graduate Program Review – March 13th, March 20th, March 27th, and April 3rd. The monthly Department Council meeting will be held on April 10th.

2. Revisions to the Plant Science Carman Field Tour Committee Terms of Reference regarding appointment of a graduate student to be brought forward at the April 10th Department Council Meeting

3. Election of the 2nd Academic to sit on the Plant Science Carman Field Tour Committee. Dilshan Benaragama accepted nomination.

4. Appointment of a graduate student to sit on the Plant Science Carman Field Tour. Consensus of Department Head, Plant Science Carman Field Tour Committee, and graduate student needed to appoint graduate student to committee.


Computer Room Report Dr. Fristensky presented the minutes of the IT Assessment Committee Meeting and advised several computer labs will not be maintained due to expense of maintaining, and students bringing their own computers. The podium computers will remain. Dr. Fristensky asked for input regarding the key consequences of this decision. Input to Dr. Fristensky by March 15th.



1. Support staff report – Becky Dueck There is a lack of information as to the building situation, no concrete plan in place. Support staff are frustrated that Campus planning has not recognized the urgency of this issue. Dr. Cattani advised that there is a tour of the Point on either the 12th or 13th. A decision will be made if the drying room will be exempt from the shutdown. Dr. Cattani advised that all material should be moved from the south end of building to decrease weight load.

2. Postdoc/RA Report – Shuanglong Huang Nothing to report.

3. Graduate student report – Lauren Gislason

• Lauren Gislason will send to Bev Godard and Dr. Stasolla, the current graduate student graduate program review survey questions.

• 5 students will be travelling to the Graduate Student Symposium in Saskatchewan.

• The stability of the PSGSA is in question, it is lacking involvement by current graduate students and may fall apart. PIs were asked to encourage their graduate students to participate so that there is graduate student representation on department committees. Both Soil Science and Animal Science are experiencing the same decline. The PSGSA is supposed to host the Graduate Student Symposium next year, but there is not the involvement to make that succeed.



1. Preparation for the Point Processing and Seed Storage Building Closure Spring 2024 – Yvonne Lawley Dr. Lawley presented Action Items and a timeline for activities to occur. Dr. Lawley asked for 1 or 2 volunteers from each group to assist with the activities. The next sub-committee meeting is March 12th. Drs. Lawley and MacCartney were commended on the work involved in the planning and coordination of the move from the seed storage building at the Point.

2. FAFS Policy on Adjunct Professors Dr. Cattani advised that adjunct status is not being noted on papers written by graduate students. The adjunct policy states that this is required. The adjunct policy is sent to each adjunct when appointed.

3. UMFA consultation In discussion with an UMFA representative, Dr. Lawley advised of some of the safety issues that have occurred in the Plant Science building. UMFA has taken this concern to the Provost and President. The UMFA representative will be invited to speak at a future Department Council meeting.