Dear Technicians,


Please see attached information on current plasticware promotion and Best Sellers catalogue from Westlab.

If you have any questions, please contact Account Representative from Westlab:


Gyongyi Vass

m 647 620 2235  tf +1 877 822 1455




Alina Skorobohatova


University of Manitoba

Department of Plant Science

Rm 222, Agriculture Building

66 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3T 2N2

phone 204.474.8221 | fax 204.474.7528

* e-mail



From: Gyongyi Vass <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 8:54 PM
To: Plant Science Reception <>
Subject: RE: Westlab Laboratory Consumables and Equipment


Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.


Hi Alina,


It was very nice meeting you earlier today.  I appreciate you taking the time, allowing me to introduce myself as your Account Representative from Westlab.


As mentioned, we are a Canadian distributor, offering glass and plastic ware consumables along with equipment. We have two warehouses across Canada to better support your team. 


For your reference and review, I have attached information on our current plasticware promotion and our Best Sellers catalogue.


Upon your review, should you have any questions or would like samples for your review, please let me know.


I look forward to working with you and the team.


Best Regards,


Gyongyi Vass

Business Development Canada


m 647 620 2235  tf +1 877 822 1455