Good morning Plant Science Technicians (Support staff please ignore this email, you should have received a separate invitation for a 9:00am coffee with Doug),


On behalf of the Faculty’s Plant Science Head Search Committee, you are invited to a special Technical support staff meeting with Dr Doug Cattani, candidate for Department Head in Plant Science on Monday May 27th at 9:30am in room 252 in the Agriculture Building.


This is an opportunity to have a casual conversation and raise any pertinent questions you may have with Dr. Cattani. Coffee and treats will be served. RSVP to


During the support staff meeting, Curt McCartney will be the moderator.  


The Search Committee would be pleased to receive any written feedback that you might wish to provide following this meeting. This confidential feedback should be sent directly to Mya Kraft, support to the Faculty’s Search Committee for Plant Science Department Head, by email to no later than Wednesday May 29th at noon.  All input is treated in strict confidence and is shared with the Head Search Committee.  Anonymous feedback will not be accepted.


PS - You will have just received a separate invitation from Mya Kraft to attend Dr. Cattani’s public presentation/ meet and greet which is on Monday May 27th at 10:30am. You are encouraged and welcome to attend both meetings!


Mya Kraft
Confidential Assistant to the Dean

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

University of Manitoba

Pronouns: She/Her

256 Agriculture Building

Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2

Telephone: 204-474-9395

Chat with me on TEAMS



Please expect 3 days for turnaround for signatures and meeting requests with the Dean. 
Inquiries will be answered on a priority basis.