We are pleased to share with you the official launch of the PS752 Commemorative Scholarship Program.

Canada’s Flight PS752 Commemorative Scholarship Program will disburse 176 scholarships, averaging $25,000 per scholarship. International and Canadian students attending colleges and universities in Canada will be eligible to apply if their field of study aligns with the victims’ academic or professional backgrounds or focuses on the prevention of air disasters.

Please find below active links to the scholarship website and the application portal:

PS752 Commemorative Scholarship Program Website:

  1. English - Flight PS752 Commemorative Scholarship Program: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/response_conflict-reponse_conflits/crisis-crises/flight-vol-ps752-scholarship.aspx?lang=eng
  2. French - Programme de bourses d’études en commémoration du vol PS752: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/response_conflict-reponse_conflits/crisis-crises/flight-vol-ps752-scholarship.aspx?lang=fra



PS752 Commemorative Scholarship Program Application Portal:

  1. English: https://ps752-gac.powerappsportals.com/en/
  2. French: https://ps752-gac.powerappsportals.com/fr/


Please feel free to share the news broadly among your networks and social media channels. For your consideration, please find below links to the launch announcement:

News Release

  1. English: Canada launches Commemorative Scholarship Program in honour of Flight PS752 victims - Canada.ca
  2. French: Le Canada lance un programme de bourses d’études en l’honneur des victimes du vol PS752 - Canada.ca



  1. English: https://x.com/CanadaFP/status/1709630903423574369?s=20
  2. French: https://x.com/CanadaPE/status/1709637049714679934?s=20


  1. English: https://x.com/NewsroomGC/status/1709632140277580188?s=20
  2. French: https://x.com/salledepresseGC/status/1709632014083645479?s=20


  1. English: https://x.com/CanadaFP/status/1709636110639308956?s=20
  2. French: https://x.com/CanadaPE/status/1709636659254366626?s=20



1.      English: https://www.facebook.com/307855901380728/posts/723052916527689

2.      French: https://www.facebook.com/265570992384488/posts/650494903892093



1.      English: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7115403468160303104

2.      French: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7115403619134296064


We will continue to honour the victims of Flight PS752 and continue to stand in solidarity with the families and loved ones.

Best regards,

PS752 Task Force