From: [] On Behalf Of Jared Carlberg
Sent: December-17-15 11:10 AM
To: Agriculture All
Subject: Competition Open for Canadians: Commonwealth Scholarship Plan - India


Please see the message below from our International Office.


Jared Carlberg, Ph.D.

Associate Dean (Academic)

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

248 Agriculture Building

University of Manitoba



From: Tara Cleve <>
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 11:07 AM
To: Adolf Ng <>, Allan Becker <>, Alphonsus Utioh <>, Alyssa Schwann <>, Bill Kops <>, Derek Johnson <>, Digvir Jayas <>, Gustaaf Sevenhuysen <>, Ian Whicher <>, "J. P. Burak" <>, James Blanchard <>, Jared Carlberg <>, Javier Mignone <>, Jerome Cranston <>, John Sinclair <>, John Wiens <>, Josee Lavoie <>, "" <>, Kathleen Matheos <>, Keith Fowke <>, Lawrence Elliott <>, Lawrence Gillman <>, Lori Wilkinson <>, Marissa Becker <>, Maryanne Crockett <>, Periyapatna Dhruvarajan <>, Ramanathan Sri Ranjan <>, Sharon Macdonald <>, Shivalingappa Halli <>, Sid Frankel <>, Stefi Baum <>, Stephen Moses <>, Subbu Sivaramakrishnan <>, Tina Chen <>, Yoav Keynan <>
Subject: FW: Competition Open for Canadians: Commonwealth Scholarship Plan - India / Lancement de concours pour les Canadiens : Programme de bourses du Commonwealth – Inde


Greetings from the International Office,


Please see the following funding opportunity for the Commonwealth Scholarship Plan – India for your review and consideration.






Tara Cleve, M.Ed.

International Partnership Officer

University of Manitoba International Office

541I University Centre, Winnipeg, MB

Canada R3T 2N2 (t) 1.204.474.6836 (f) 1.204.474.7648


Description: Description: Description: cid:part1.00030000.04010008@umanitoba


Visit the UM International Strategy at:



From: CBIE-BCEI []
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:52 PM
To: Tara Cleve
Subject: Competition Open for Canadians: Commonwealth Scholarship Plan - India / Lancement de concours pour les Canadiens : Programme de bourses du Commonwealth – Inde


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Competition Open for Canadians: Commonwealth Scholarship Plan – India

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has launched its scholarship competition under the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship Plan 2016-2017. Two scholarships are available to Canadians who wish to study or conduct research in India. The scholarships, which are tenable as of September 2016, provide funding for the full length of academic programs in India at the undergraduate, Master's or PhD levels. The scholarship for PhD scholars may be renewed for a maximum of five and a half years.

The deadline to apply is December 21, 2015. Please visit Commonwealth Scholarship Plan – India for full program details.

The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) was established in 1959, with the first scholars selected in 1960. The goal of the Plan is to nurture educational links among Commonwealth countries and to strengthen the ideals upon which the Commonwealth was founded. Over 27,000 Commonwealth citizens have held awards - many going on to reach the very highest levels within their profession.

Lancement de concours pour les Canadiens : Programme de bourses du Commonwealth – Inde

Le Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) a récemment annoncé qu’il ouvrait son concours de bourses sous le prestigieux Programme de bourses du Commonwealth
2016-2017. Deux bourses sont offertes aux Canadiens qui souhaitent étudier ou faire de la recherche en Inde. La bourse est valable à partir de septembre 2016 et couvre la durée totale du programme de baccalauréat, de maîtrise ou de doctorat. Pour les chercheurs au doctorat, la bourse peut être renouvelée pour une durée maximale de cinq ans et demi.

La date butoir pour soumettre une candidature est le 21 décembre 2015. Veuillez consulter le Programme de bourses du Commonwealth — Inde pour tous les détails concernant le programme.

Établi en 1959, le Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) (anglais seulement) attribuait ses premières bourses en 1960. Le but du programme est d’entretenir des liens éducationnels entre les pays du Commonwealth et de fortifier les idéaux sur lesquels le Commonwealth a été fondé. Plus de 27 000 citoyens du Commonwealth ont reçu des bourses, certains d’entre eux poursuivant leur élan pour atteindre les plus hautes sphères de leur profession.

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