From: <> on behalf of Graduate Communications <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 3:19 PM
To: Graduate Communications
Subject: [Gs-dept-grad-chairs] Ph.D. Thesis Portal




Good day:


As you may be aware, a new 1-stage Ph.D. thesis distribution process was approved by Senate and implemented for Fall 2018.  During the last 12 months, while IST worked to update the JUMP thesis portal to accommodate the new 1-stage distribution process, doctoral candidates have had the option of submitting their thesis to FGS for official review by their examining committee members using either the 1-stage or 2-stage distribution process.  The JUMP thesis portal has now been updated.  Theses that are currently undergoing official review by their examining committee members using the 2-stage process will be able to complete the review under the 2-stage process.  Going forward, all new doctoral candidates who submit their thesis to the JUMP thesis portal will use the 1-stage distribution process as the 2-stage review distribution process will no longer be available.


To clarify any misconceptions about the new distribution process,  the 1-stage process is summarized as follows:


1.     While the new distribution process is coined as a 1-stage distribution process, it is still technically a 2-stage process. In the new 1-stage distribution process, the advisory committee is responsible for reviewing the candidate’s thesis in its entirety and providing written feedback to the student before the student submits their thesis to the JUMP thesis portal for official review by both internal and external committee members.  


2.     Once the internal review of the thesis has been completed by the advisory committee:

a.     The “Approval to Proceed to PhD Thesis Examination” form (downloaded from FGS website “Graduate Studies forms” page: is completed and signed by the student, advisory committee, and Department Head/Graduate Chair verifying that:

§  Advisory committee members have read the complete version of the thesis that the candidate intends to submit for examination and have provided the candidate with a detailed review and comments including any necessary revisions;

§  The student has received feedback from all members of the advisory committee, has taken the feedback into account in preparing the thesis, and is ready and willing to have their thesis examined; and

§  The department/unit fully supports the thesis proceeding to examination.

b.     The student will log into the JUMP thesis portal and upload a .pdf copy of the “Approval to Proceed to PhD Thesis Examination” form and a copy of their thesis and supplemental files (if applicable).

c.     The student will receive an email confirming that their thesis has been received.  Email notification is also sent to the department/unit contact person to inform them that the student has submitted their thesis to the JUMP portal for thesis examination.

d.      Email notification is sent to the advisor/co-advisor to request that they submit the names of three (3) prospective external examiners including brief CVs and a justification for selecting them.  Instructions and a link for submitting the prospective external examiners’ information to the JUMP portal are provided in the email.  The advisor/co-advisor and student are not permitted to contact the prospective external examiners in advance.  The external examiner will be chosen by the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ Associate Dean and will remain anonymous until the external examiner’s report is received.

e.     Once the submission has been reviewed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and an external examiner has been chosen by the Associate Dean, the thesis examination will be initiated. Email notifications will be sent to: 

§  Internal and external examiners providing them with a link for accessing a .pdf copy of the candidate’s thesis (and supplemental files, if applicable) and instructions for submitting their report. Examiners are requested to submit their reports within three (3) weeks.  The Faculty of Graduate Studies will email individual examiners a reminder if their report hasn’t been received after three (3) weeks.

§  The student and advisor/co-advisor to inform them that the thesis examination is now in progress.  They are reminded that while the thesis is undergoing review, no communication is permitted with examining committee members regarding the thesis until all internal and external examiner reports have been received.

f.     Once all examiner reports are received, they are distributed via email to the advisor/co-advisor, internal examining committee members and the Department/Unit Head. The advisor/co-advisor is/are asked to share the reports with the student. They are also provided with information concerning scheduling the Ph.D. Oral Defence.


"Ph.D. thesis distribution instructions" can be viewed on FGS website here:


Complete information regarding the Ph.D. thesis examination process and procedures can be viewed in "SECTION 5: Doctor of Philosophy General Regulations":


Please contact the respective Student Program Assistant for your area if you have any questions or require assistance: 


Thank you!

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