University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies

To: Deans and Directors, Grad Chairs, Graduate Support Staff and Graduate Students


The Faculty of Graduate Studies is pleased to offer the Faculty of Graduate Studies Virtual Conference Award for current, full time Master’s and PhD students who will be attending conferences that have moved to a “virtual” format due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The FGS Virtual Conference Award will be offered in lieu of the FGS Travel Award for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic while travel is not advisable.


Students attending virtual conferences may apply for a maximum of $250.00 towards their costs of attending a virtual conference.  


To be eligible for the FGS Virtual Conference Award, a student must:

o    present a paper/poster/creative work that is relevant to their program of study; or,

o    are attending, but not presenting, as part of the conference agenda; and, 


Preference will be given to students who are presenting at a virtual conference; however, students attending virtual conferences, and are not presenting, may also apply for this opportunity.


Students may not receive the FGS Virtual Conference Award more than once at the Master’s level or more than twice at the Ph.D. level.  The FGS Virtual Conference Award will not count towards the limits on the FGS Travel Award when travel to conferences resumes.


The funding available for the FGS Virtual Conference Award will be spent until the funds are exhausted.


Questions on the FGS Virtual Conference Award may be directed to Kayla Wharton, Awards Assistant, at 

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