From: Roxanne Tackie
Sent: October-16-18 9:07 AM
To: Amy Dario; Heather Innis; Jennifer Merrell; Bernice Ezirim; Theresa Kennedy; Heather Katrick; Alison McAulay; Kathy Graham; Kathy Graham; Susan Beshta; Martha Blouw; Bev Godard; Brooke Milne
Cc: Laura Mcmillan
Subject: Funding Opportunity for Students Doing Northern Research


Good morning,


We would like to advise you of a funding opportunity that some of your students may be eligible for. Please share widely with all who may benefit.


The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) provides supplementary funding to offset the additional costs of northern research (i.e. transportation costs, living costs, and shipping costs).NSTP terms of reference and eligibility criteria are set by the NSTP Management Committee of Polar Knowledge Canada. Students can apply online, and applications are reviewed by our internal committee prior to being sent to NSTP for approval.


To be eligible, students must be:


·         Doing field work in Northern Canada (see the map for NSTP’s definition of “Northern”)

·         A Canadian citizen or permanent resident

·         Enrolled in Graduate Studies; or

·         Completing thesis based research in their final year at the undergraduate level


For further details and application instructions, please review this link.


Warm regards.



Roxanne Tackie B.Comm. (Hons)
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies • University of Manitoba
500 University Centre • Winnipeg, Manitoba • R3T 2N2
T 204.480.1000 • F 204.474.7553

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