This message is to inform you that there has been a change in the policy for the department copy of graduate theses.

FGS no longer requires a hard copy of theses to be submitted.  All theses are submitted in electronic format and are made available on MSpace.

Soil Science Department Council has passed a motion: "The Department of Soil Science will no longer require a bound hard copy of completed graduate theses to be submitted to the department archive."  This goes into effect immediately.

Please note, that professors and/or graduate students can still make bound hard copies of theses for their own use but that is a decision for each individual.

The Department will create and maintain a list of all graduate students, thesis titles and years and post it on the web.

Dr. Paul Bullock
Professor and Head
Department of Soil Science
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8666
Fax:     (204) 474-7642