[Plants-grads] FW: Graduate Studies Hub & New ASG Information
Forwarded on behalf of Dr. Lobb.
From: Kasey Morgan <Kasey.Morgan@umanitoba.camailto:Kasey.Morgan@umanitoba.ca> Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 9:18 AM Subject: Graduate Studies Hub & New ASG Information
Good Morning Faculty Council Members,
As promised at our last meeting, I am writing to send you all the link to the Graduate Studies Hub (the Sharepoint site that houses the new Advisor-Student Guidelines): https://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/sites/fgshub. The site is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students once they're logged in to their UM accounts. Please feel free to start sharing the link and information about the new system as you see fit within your own Faculties/Departments/Units.
I welcome any feedback that you may have about the new system, Graduate Studies Hub, or the project more generally. Feedback specific to the new ASG system should be submitted via this formhttps://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=C92AT4wzTE6KFJBEaWL3uBybzcyFzb9OokfrBtverB9UOU5ZWUZKUFpKVEw0QVNGWlcxTzNBMlpPUCQlQCN0PWcu unless it requires urgent troubleshooting; otherwise, please feel free to contact me via email and/or Teams.
Kasey Morgan, M.A. (She/Her/Hers)
Assistant Programs Coordinator Faculty of Graduate Studies * University of Manitoba 500 University Centre * Winnipeg, Manitoba
[Chat outline] Chat on Teamshttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=kasey.morgan@umanitoba.ca| [Video call outline] Call me on Teamshttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/call/0/0?users=kasey.morgan@umanitoba.ca | [Email outline] Send me an Emailmailto:Kasey.Morgan@umanitoba.ca
participants (1)
Martha Blouw