[Plants-grads] REMINDER: GRAD 7500 Academic Integrity Tutorial
Don't forget to complete this by December 23, 2015.
Martha Blouw, Academic Advisor Department of Plant Science Department of Soil Science 226 Agriculture Building 66 Dafoe Road University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 2N2 Telephone: 204-474-8223 Fax: 204-474-7528
[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Academic Integrity is a matter of paramount importance in academia. It is the foundation of scholarly work. Yet too many graduate students find themselves facing allegations of breach of Academic Integrity. To help graduate students better understand the issues surrounding Academic Integrity, the Senate of the University of Manitoba passed a motion requiring all graduate students to take a compulsory tutorial on Academic Integrity. Beginning in the Fall 2015-16 all graduate students must register for and complete GRAD 7500 Academic Integrity Tutorial. This is a zero (0) credit-hour course intended to introduce students to their basic responsibilities regarding academic integrity and to the resources available to them.
Students who registered for GRAD 7500 in Fall 2015 have until December 23, 2015 to successfully complete the course. New students who are starting their graduate program in Winter 2016 are required to register for GRAD 7500 in Winter 2016 term: CRN 26205
Failure to successfully complete this course will result in suspension of registration privileges.
This course runs entirely online and is comprised of a series of brief videos (the total duration of these videos is approximately 1 hour) followed by a true/false test. Students must achieve 100% on the test in order to complete the tutorial and receive a pass grade for the course. If necessary, the test may be taken multiple times until a 100% grade is achieved.
The Academic Integrity course is accessed through UM Learn using your JUMP login. To access the course, go to https://universityofmanitoba.desire2learn.com/d2l/login. Enter your UMNetID username and password. Once you have logged in, click GRAD 7500 - Academic Integrity tutorial under My Courses. Additional details are provided on UM Learn once the course is entered.
Complete instructions for the tutorial are attached to this email and available here.http://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/htmlmail/Academic_Integrity_Instructions.pdf
GRAD 7500 FAQ can be viewed herehttp://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/registration/grad7500FAQ.html or go to: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/registration/grad7500FAQ.html
*Note: Students on an exceptional/parental leave of absence must register in GRAD 7500 upon return from leave.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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participants (1)
Martha Blouw