[Plants-grads] Fwd: FW: Wildfire Season Preparedness - Municipal Burning Ban Reporting. Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba
All, I am not aware that we have anyone who is planning to burn stubble but just in case, please see the notice below regarding a fire ban in southern Manitoba.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dean Agriculture agdean@umanitoba.ca Date: Tue, May 3, 2016 at 4:24 PM Subject: FW: Wildfire Season Preparedness - Municipal Burning Ban Reporting. Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba To: Alvin Iverson Alvin.Iverson@umanitoba.ca, Tracy Gilson < Tracy.Gilson@umanitoba.ca> Cc: Fouad Daayf Fouad.Daayf@umanitoba.ca, Paul Bullock < Paul.Bullock@umanitoba.ca>
Hello Alvin and Tracy – we just received notice from the Office of the Fire Commissioner that no burns are permitted in southern Manitoba municipalities. Just passing it on to you. Thanks
Karin Wittenberg PhD, PAg
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
257 Agriculture Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Ph: (204) 474-9380
Cell: (204) 294-7036
Email: agdean@umanitoba.ca
[image: 110-50-10-5 CELEBRATION one small rev] *Celebrations 2016!* The Faculty marks five milestones this year. Learn more! http://www.umanitoba.ca/afs/celebrations2016.html
*From:* John Dodd *Sent:* May-03-16 3:49 PM *To:* Karin Wittenberg *Subject:* FW: Wildfire Season Preparedness - Municipal Burning Ban Reporting. Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba
Hi Karin,
Here is the information from the Office of the Fire Commissioner and Province of Manitoba.
John Dodd
Fire Safety Consultant
Environmental Health & Safety Office
191 Extended Education Complex
University of Manitoba
Cell: 204-290-4631
Office: 204-474-9083
Email: john.dodd@umanitoba.ca
*From:* Alan Scott *Sent:* May-03-16 3:39 PM *To:* John Dodd; Joey Bellino; Shannon Boychuk *Subject:* FW: Wildfire Season Preparedness - Municipal Burning Ban Reporting. Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba
*From:* Sanchez, Maria (EMO) [mailto:Maria.Sanchez@gov.mb.ca Maria.Sanchez@gov.mb.ca] *Sent:* Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:30 AM *To:* Fricke, Yutta (DIO); Krahn, Victoria (EMO); 'Vaughn Simpson ( vaughn.simpson@ps-sp.gc.ca)'; Sidebottom, Tom (MFS); 'Tom Hamson'; Klassen, Tim (MIT); 'Backer, Susan'; Topping, Steve (MIT); 'Public Safety Canada ( shawna.peterson@ps-sp.gc.ca)'; 'Shane McKenzie - INAC ( Shane.McKenzie@canada.ca)'; Davies, Scott (CWS); ' SCOTT.ALLINGHAM@forces.gc.ca'; 'Ross Robinson (r.robinson@brandon.ca)'; Pike, Robert (OFC); 'Randy Hull (rhull@winnipeg.ca)'; White, Paul (TCHSCP); Van Hee, Paul (JUS); Doolan, Paul (ANA); 'Patrick McCarthy ( Patrick.McCarthy@ec.gc.ca)'; +WPG112 - OFCDutyOfficer (OFC); Gobelle, Neil (MIT); 'Natalie Hasell (Natalie.Hasell@canada.ca)'; Gagne, Michael (EMO); Stuber Doerksen, Mary (MFS); Richter, Marvin H (MAFRD); 'Martin Grainger ( m.grainger@uwinnipeg.ca)'; 'Marno Klein (mklein@hydro.mb.ca)'; O'Rourke, Mark (JUS); Sheridan, Marc (HCD); ' (cempdutyofficer@hydro.mb.ca)'; 'Jeff Bird (jeff.bird@forces.gc.ca)'; 'Gilmour, Lisa'; Spencer, Lee (EMO); Harder, Ken (MAFRD); 'Jim Glavin (Jim.Glavin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)'; Angus, Jeremy (EMO); 'Jeff Dovyak (ve4mbq@mymts.net)'; 'Jeff Bloodworth ( jbloodworth@hydro.mb.ca)'; 'Shaw, Jason'; Sorko, Heather (EMO); Novoselnik, Gord (FIN); Lewis, Glen (JUS); Shuster, Gerry (FIN); Friesen, Gary (CWS); Unduche, Fisaha (MIT); Kozera, Eugene (MIT); +WPG1262 - ECC Manager (HHLS); Mackinnon, Don (EMO); 'Debbie Clarke (The Salvation Army)'; 'David Clarke ( daclarke@rrc.mb.ca)'; Schafer, Dave (OFC); 'Dan Klassen ( diklassen@hotmail.com)'; Kerr, Dan (FIN); Giesbrecht, Cindy (OFC); Buckler, Carolee (EAL); 'Carl Rey (crey@hydro.mb.ca)'; 'Cam Buchanan ( cameron.buchanan@ps-sp.gc.ca)'; 'cailin.hodder@redcross.ca'; 'Brian Kayes ( b.kayes@brandon.ca)'; McTavish, Blair (CWS); Crumb, Barbara (HHLS); 'Anne-Marie Palfreeman (anne-marie.palfreeman@ec.gc.ca)'; Johnson, Amber (ANA); Alan Scott; 'AANDC Emergency Line/Duty Officer - AANDC ( mbemergency@aandc-aadnc.gc.ca)' *Subject:* Wildfire Season Preparedness - Municipal Burning Ban Reporting. Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba
Reeves/Mayors, Fire Chiefs, CAOs, and Municipal Emergency Coordinators,
The Province issues burning bans and restrictions to deal with areas of the province that are under its jurisdiction: parks, Crown Lands, etc. Municipalities establish their own policies and issue burning bans to cover municipal land. Municipalities have the ability to enact a burning ban through council resolutions and should have a bylaw to enable this. Here are some examples: http://www.firecomm.gov.mb.ca/support_bylaws.html
Also, from the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC):
[image: http://files.ctctcdn.com/3ddc3f03301/7c607d31-4d5a-4fe2-b805-0c495f15bb06.gi... order to track fire protection efforts across the province, OFC asks that all municipalities inform the OFC immediately at *firecomm@gov.mb.ca* firecomm@gov.mb.ca when burn bans are put in place. We also ask that changes to the status of the burning ban be reported. This enables province-wide burning ban restrictions to be displayed so all Manitobans and key stakeholders can track restrictions in all areas of the province.
For your awareness and for the information of the general public, the following website displays burning ban information:
[image: Manitoba Media Bulletin]
May 2, 2016
*Province Advises Burning Permits Cancelled in Western, Central, Eastern Manitoba*
Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship advises current dry conditions along with above average temperatures and increasing winds are pushing the fire danger to high in some areas of the province.
New burning permits will not be issued for the central and eastern regions of Manitoba, as well as areas in western Manitoba. Any permits that have been issued are now cancelled.
This affects areas are from the United States border in the south, through the Interlake to Gypsumville and Berens River in the north and east to the Ontario border. In western Manitoba, this includes the Turtle Mountain and Spruce Woods provincial park areas, as well as the west shore of Lake Winnipegosis to the Saskatchewan border, including the Duck Mountains and Porcupine Hills, and north to Overflowing River.
Officials noted people should always check with their local municipality for any additional burning restrictions.
Campfires are allowed within enclosed, approved firepits.
The department requires a permit for any burning, including crop residue, within burning permit areas between April 1 and Nov. 15 of each year. Specific information regarding burning permit areas is available through local Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship offices.
Many hunters, fishers and outdoor enthusiasts are actively enjoying the outdoors, raising the danger of accidental, human-caused fires. Travellers, hikers and hunters, and anyone in wooded and grassland areas, are encouraged to be careful around any potential fire sources until current conditions subside.
All-terrain vehicle riders are advised to stay on developed trails, stop frequently to check areas around the engine and exhaust for debris, and carefully dispose of any debris found. They are also asked to carry a small shovel, axe and fire extinguisher on their vehicles at all times.
Fires can be reported to Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship by calling 1-800-782-0076 (toll-free). Further information is available at local department district offices or online at www.gov.mb.ca/wildfire.
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Emergency Measures Organization
1525-405 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6
ÉPhone 204-945-3050
ÊFax: 204-945-4929
participants (1)
Paul Bullock