Dear Friends of
the hUManities,
Welcome to a new week. As always, we hope this letter meets you well.
Thank you for staying connected and keeping up with programming, events, and gatherings brought to you by the UMIH. We
hope that in these strange times where physical spaces feel more secluded and desolate than ever, our letters and virtual events were a source of comfort and an opening to stay in touch with our beloved community.
On that note, please see details below for our spotlighted and final project of the term:
CARE Microgrant Projects Rounds 1 & 2 Launch:
The UMIH is thrilled to announce the exciting launch of the Care Microgrant Projects rounds 1 & 2
on our blog! In collaboration with QPOC and MAWA, we received heartfelt, beautiful and generous creative endeavors from students and community members who engaged the multiple dimensions of care during Covid-19.
Please visit the UMIH
Blog for details & submissions by finalists.
Take care, friends and happy holidays.