Thursday, 1 March—Department of History
2:30 pm, 306 Tier
Susan Hill (University of Toronto), will be delivering the James A. Jackman Memorial Lecture. All Welcome.
Wednesday, 7 March—UMIH Alternate Histories Research Cluster
8:30 am – 6:00 pm, 409 Tier Building
Alternate Histories: A One-Day Symposium. All welcome. Poster attached.
Monday, 12 March—UMIH Power and Resistance in Latin America Research Cluster
2:30 pm, 409 Tier
Jaymie Patricia Heilman (University of Alberta), “Writing Now Peru is Mine: Notes from an Activist/Academic Collaboration.” All welcome. Poster attached.
Call for Applications:
Search, University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities.
UMIH call for Research Affiliate, Research Cluster, and Graduate Fellowship applications
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities &
Instructor, Dept. of History
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599