Dear friends of the Humanities,

Upcoming Events: 
Public Lecture: Learning to Live Our Language: Zapotec Elders and Youth Fostering Intergenerational Dialogue through Cellphilms
Dr. Joshua Schwab-Cartas (Assistant Professor, Art Education, Division of Art History and Contemporary Culture, NSCAD University)
Thursday, February 8th from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM in Room 307 Tier 
Join Zoom Meeting  ID: 626 9997 1941 ; Passcode: 569616
This presentation explores how mobile technologies—specifically cellphilms (cellphone videos)—can facilitate intergenerational dialogue between youth and elders on ancestral language and cultural practices. As English and Spanish cultural productions become more dominant in the global mediasphere, a more multifaceted approach that combines culture and technological elements offers productive possibilities for overcoming this increasing crisis of language loss. There will be punch, coffee, and hors d'oeuvres at the live event. For more details, see the attached poster. 

Reading Week Writing Workshops  hosted by the Writing Towards a Just World Research Cluster 
February 20th - February 22nd on Zoom
These exciting workshops are open to interested Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community Members. They will be hosted virtually on Zoom. No registration is required. 
Tuesday, February 20, 1 PM – 4 PM, Lauren Carter: Freeing the Writer Within. Join us using this link
Wednesday, February 21, 1 – 3 PM, Angeline Schellenberg: From the Ashes: Writing Lament. Join us using this link
Thursday, February 22, 1 – 3 PM, Soji Cole: Storytelling: Entertainment or Teaching? Join us using this link. The poster with speaker bios will be coming soon. Please address questions to:
Recurring Events: 
The Writing Room hosted by the Writing Towards a Just World Research Cluster
Tuesdays until the end of April from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room 206 St. John’s College
Please feel welcome to join in and invite Colleagues, Students, Faculty etc. to this writing-focused space scheduled every Tuesday until the end of April. For more details email:

Call for Applications: 
2024 - 2025 UMIH Graduate Fellowship, Research Affiliate, & Research Cluster Applications
Deadline: April 29th
The UMIH calls for applications for the 2024 -25 Graduate Fellowship, Research Clusters, and Research Affiliates are now open! These are unique opportunities designed by the Institute to support scholars doing important research in the humanities. Visit the UMIH webpage for more details on how to apply for each call. Please see the attached posters for requirements. All questions can be addressed to:
Of Interest:
The Presidents Student Leadership Program (PSLP)
Deadline: March 3rd, 2024
The Presidents Student Leadership Program is a unique-in-Canada immersive learning opportunity that bring together a cohort of students each year from across faculties,  post-secondary institutions, interests, backgrounds and regions of the province to build their leadership potential. For details on how to apply, please visit the PSLP website

School of Criticism and Theory Summer 2024 Session at Cornell University
Extended application deadline: Monday, February 26, 2023
The School of Criticism and Theory has been devoted to intensive intellectual inquiry and the vigorous exchange of ideas, cultivating a space where courageous discussion and innovative academic exploration can thrive. This year offers another impressive line-up of seminars, public lectures and performances, with a new series of writing and publishing workshops. Details can be found in the attached brochure. The application process is available via the hyperlink. More details also on the website

Take care friends, 

Ekene Maduka

Assistant to the Director 

Institute for the Humanities 

University of Manitoba

407 Tier Building

204 474 9599