Wednesday, 7 March—UMIH Alternate Histories Research Cluster

8:30 am – 6:00 pm, 409 Tier Building

Alternate Histories: A One-Day Symposium.  All welcome. Poster attached.

Symposium Webpage and Program

Alternate Histories Poster

Event Calendar


Wednesday, 7 March

2:45 pm, 409 Tier Building

Alternate Histories Keynote

Allison Muri (University of Saskatchewan), “Digital Humanities and Alternate Histories: The Case of the Grup Street Project.”

Keynote Poster

Event Calendar


Monday, 12 March—UMIH Power and Resistance in Latin America Research Cluster

2:30 pm, 409 Tier

Jaymie Patricia Heilman (University of Alberta), “Writing Now Peru is Mine: Notes from an Activist/Academic Collaboration.”  All welcome.

Heilman Poster

Event Calendar




Call for Applications:

Director Search, University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities.


UMIH call for Research Affiliate, Research Cluster, and Graduate Fellowship applications


For more news and information, visit the hUManities blog, or follow us on Facebook

Paul Jenkins, PhD

Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director

Institute for the Humanities &

Instructor, Dept. of History

University of Manitoba

407 Tier Building

204 474 9599