Dear Friends of the hUManities,
Please join us for these exciting UMIH events coming up in the next two weeks:
This week:
Thursday, March 21, 2019
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Matthew Neufeld, UMIH affiliate,
"Naval Healthcare in England during the Nine Years' War, 1698-1702"
Next week:
Thursday, March 28, 2019
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Celiese Lypka, UMIH affiliate,
"Self-Indifference: Rejecting Self-Preservation as a Feminist Act"
Thursday, March 28, 2019
7 pm to 9 pm, 200 Arlington Street (Old Grace Housing Co-Op)
"The Next 150 Years: A Public Conversation about the City of Winnipeg Archives"
Panelists: Dr. Thomas Nesmith, Michel Lagasé, Sabrina Janke, and more
The full Arts of Conversation Winter
program can be found here:
Other News and Events
UMIH Call for
Affiliate, Cluster and Graduate Fellowship applications for the 2019-20 academic year.