Dear WISDOM Members, 


The WISDOM Learner Committee is coordinating an exciting event for International Day for Women and Girls in Science! On February 11th   from 8-4pm, WISDOM is hosting an event at Ecole John Henderson Middle School where volunteers will run several booths focussing on highlighting achievements in women in science or fun experiments. You do not have to volunteer for the entire time, you can enter a timeslot you are available for. We will also try our best to organize transportation if necessary. 


The goal of this event is to engage students, specifically girls, and promote careers in science! All genders are encouraged to volunteer for this opportunity so feel free to share with your departments/labs/groups! 


Register to volunteer via the link by Feb 1st!!



Wynne Haaksma (she/her)

Administrative Support

Women in Science; Development, Outreach & Mentoring

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Courtney L Marshall

PhD Candidate, University of Manitoba

Department of Immunology

Manitoba Centre for Proteomics and Systems Biology

Room 799 John Buhler Research Centre

715 McDermot Avenue

Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P4, Canada
