[Bike to the Future] More November news

Hello Bike to the Future members and supporters. This newsletter contains the following items:
1. Minutes from our AGM and November Monthly Meeting 2. Speak Up Winnipeg: Call To Action report and Open Houses 3. Webinar: Building Political Will for Strong Bike/Walk Programs 4. Route 90 Corridor Study -- Public Open House #2 5. City Committee meetings to discuss the 2010 City of Winnipeg Preliminary Capital Budget 6. Membership 7. BttF Members' Night at the Mountain Equipment store 8. Cycling workshops at The Bike Dump
Kevin Miller Bike to the Future, Co-Chair www.biketothefuture.org _____________________________
*Minutes from our AGM and November Monthly Meeting*
The AGM and November Monthly Meeting minutes will be posted at http://biketothefuture.org/about/meetings in the next week.
2009-2010 Board of Directors http://biketothefuture.org/about ____________________________
*Speak Up Winnipeg: Call To Action report and Open Houses*
Speak Up Winnipeg is the City's public forum for Winnipeggers to express their opinions about the future of our City, and how we can ensure it is sustainable, making Winnipeg a leader among cities.
The Call to Action report will be presented at *8 Open Houses from Tuesday November 17th to Thursday November 26th*, or you can read the 55 page report online.
Detailshttp://biketothefuture.org/news/archives/2009/11/13/speakup-winnipeg-call-to-action-open-houses _____________________________ *Webinar: Building Political Will for Strong Bike/Walk Programs*
Wednesday November 18th from 2:00 to 3:00 PM at the Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald) Info http://www.apbp.org/event/nov-09_webinar
If you are interested in attending (free), please contact Dave Elmoredave@resourceconservation.mb.ca . _____________________________
*Route 90 Corridor Study -- Public Open House #2*
Thursday November 19th at Canad Inns Stadium (Winnipeg Sun Centre, 1465 Maroons Road) Drop-in from 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Project info http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/Route90
The more cyclists who attend and express a desire for really good cycling facilities as part of this expansion, the more likely that good cycling facilities will result.
Public Open House #1http://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2009/01/22/route-90-widening----open-house _____________________________
*City Committee meetings to discuss the 2010 City of Winnipeg Preliminary Capital Budget*
Monday November 23rd at noon at the Eco-Centre (Portage & Donald)http://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2009/11/16/city-committee-budget-meeting-2009-11-23 Monday November 30th at noon at the Eco-Centre (Portage & Donald)http://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2009/11/16/city-committee-budget-meeting _____________________________
Members of Bike to the Future agree with our mission and vision and support it. We are a volunteer-run, incorporated, non-profit organization that is only as strong as our membership. Please show your support for our work by becoming a member or renewing your membership.
All memberships taken out in 2008 (and the complimentary memberships given out in 2009) are now due for renewal.
Membership infohttp://biketothefuture.org/get-involved/join-bike-to-the-future
*Use PayPal to purchase a new Bike to the Future membership or renew an existing Bike to the Future membership*http://membership.biketothefuture.org/membership_paypal.html *.*
If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact BttF's Membership Committee Director membership@biketothefuture.org. _____________________________
*BttF Members' Night at the Mountain Equipment store*
BttF's first Members' Night will be held at the Mountain Equipment Co-op store (Portage & Donald) on *Monday November 23rd from 7:30 to 9:00 PM*. (The store closes to the public at 7:00.) Activities include product knowlege sessions, a discussion forum, and a store merchandise discount of 10%.
Detailshttp://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2009/11/06/bttf-members-night-at-the-mountain-equipment-co-op-store _____________________________
*Cycling workshops at The Bike Dump*
The Bike Dump is holding a series of free drop-in workshops on a variety of bike-related topics on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM. Please see http://bike-dump.ca. _____________________________
Our website at http://biketothefuture.org is updated often.
participants (1)
Bike to the Future