We have now uploaded what is intended as the release candidate for version 1 of EpiData Manager and EntryClient.
Users are encouraged to: a. test the software b. comment on this list whether you find the products ready for release with the currently implemented functionality.
Remaining issues before actual release are: a. Completing technical documentation on the wiki system at www.epidata.org/dokuwiki/ including a schema file for the xml b. Updating and finalising introduction documents and guides c. Updating wiki system with examples d. Fixing any bugs reported
Following release of version 1 development continues and will focus on: Translation of interface, several dataforms in one project, key (unique), validation of duplicate files, GCP etc.
In the current test release the following has been changed:
Core changes: (mostly used in manager) Enhanced export to Stata (Notes, time fields, encoding of strings, string fields) Notes on Field/Dataset during import.
Entry: Saves recent file after load/save of file.
Manager: Open project automatically added to reportlist Settings for export to stata
Bugs fixed: deleting section did not cleanup components correctly shortcuts (wrong form execution, paste as bug, ....) extend space function adds one "page down"
Regards Torsten Christiansen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association