Dear Marc,
Also, I did not follow why the Read opened this file, and then I could not close it?
read "c:\epi_info\hosp\hsample.mdb malformed string . read "c:\epi_info\hosp\hsample.mdb" No, data will be lost - Close first . close read "c:\epi_info\hosp\hsample.mdb" Syntax error
It seems to me that you are triying to open an ACCESS file using EPiData. EpiData does not read ACCESS files. Still it trys, and the consequence is this: malformed string message.
Once you have open a data set, Epidata does not allow you to open another without closing the first. This is because EpiData trys to prevent you of losing any changes you have done in your first data set. Only if you activily close you first data set you can open a second.
The reason for the third message: Syntax error is that the syntax for closing a data set is just CLOSE.
I hope it helps.
Pedro Arias EpiData Translator
Thanks Marc L.A.
EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 39, Issue 9