Dear all We have experienced here in Denmark also some problems if one uses national characters in the folder names, e.g. as Claudio showed with: Unable to criate flie "c:\Documents.......\Configurações locais.........\epidataentryclient.cfg"
A fix has been made partly to this and will appear as a new download in short time (1-2 weeks)
Apart from that work is now ongoing with new export of data (csv/ascii, spss and sas). For SAS and SPSS this will be the same as until now, where data is exported to a csv file, and a command file is created which can then be executed in either sas or spss.
If you experience other problems please let us know on this list. In particular problems with the installation routines would be very good to have reported.
A number of persons have had problems finding the installed sample.epx file. More explanation about where to find this will come later. The problem seems to be related to how the install routine can find the relevant place to put a data folder on the users machine. There are very many aspects to this, e.g. operating system, user rights, national characters etc.
The other options to come soon (1-2 months) are: preparation of double entry, and double entry reports, key unique encryption of files printing of data entry forms
Regards Jens Lauritsen