On 2010-11-12 14:11, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I would keep the limit small, but 65K is certainly OK for me. That may not be enough for a screen shot. Any reproducible error in Entry should become apparent with the .qes, .chk and .rec files AND knowing the font and font size set in options.
On 2010-11-12, Jens wrote:
It could be good with some inputs from list members whether the policy should be relaxed, e.g. that we set the limit at 65k instead of 35k for postings. In particular those who are living in areas where slow speed internet is an issue.
Just a little sidenote for this discussion that could also be considered.
There exists several places on the internet where it is free to post an image, for instance the free http://imagebin.org/ is a good website to place small to medium sized images that can be access publicly.
Once an image has been posted to such a site, the site itself give you a link, which can be included with in the email to this list.
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. EpiData Association.
ps: a link could be like this: http://imagebin.org/122927 (remember the image is temporary and will at max be available for 2 weeks).