You could just recode q05 to a text variable:
define modq05 __________ recode q05 to modq05 lo-2.0 = "Anaemia" 12.0-hi = "Hb Normale"
When you do this, check to see where a value of exactly 12 is classified. If in the wrong category, then use recode q05 to modq05 12.0-hi = "Hb Normale" lo-12.0 = "Anaemia"
That is, the final a-b=c is the one that counts for points at your dividing point between categories.
In the latest (test) release of Analysis, you can add variable name and value labels, but this feature is not yet documented.
Jean-Paul wrote:
Hello to All, I would like to give names to dichotomisées variables. By example: I dichotomise the variable Q05 (Rate of Haemoglobin) in two cathégories; modQ05 (Class of Hb) 1=TxHb < 12 mg / dl, 2=TxHb > 12 mg / dl. Afterward, I would like to call 1 = "Anaemia 2" = "Hb Normale". So that when I make Freq modQ05, I obtain the distribution by looking directly Anaemia Hb Normal