EpiData EntryClient and Manager - next public release expected January 15th

Manager and EntryClient were uploaded as release candidates on December 16th. Although downloads are about 250-300 we have not received any notice of problems or bugs.
In our in-house quality assurance test we only found a Mac implementation issue (known problem - Drag and drop variables and titles is not consistent). The in-house quality assurance tests are found in "Validation of function in EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient" on the documentation page: http://www.epidata.dk/documentation.php
The main new aspects are: Memo text variables (long texts are shown in rectangles on screen) User adaptation of status bar during entry Defining individual user access at various roles and details.
if you have not worked with defining user access you may read the document here: http://epidata.dk/php/downloadc.php?file=ExtendedAccess.pdf
The plan is to release the current pre-release as public version approximately 15th of January - provided no major issue shows up.
Before public release we will implement: 1 A new report showing an overview of users, groups, and logfile content for projects with extended access option. In this option project access is defined at user level for each dataform. 2 Adaptation of help texts, screen menu text etc to conform to the new definitions (variables, dataset, etc)
Best wishes
Jens Lauritsen Initiator and Coordinator EpiData AssociationDenmark
participants (1)
EpiData development and support