IGSS - for international students paying the differential tuition fee
INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP (IGSS) $2,700 to $5,400 (approx) Full details at: Read more »http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3302&letter=I
Deadline: April 11th, 2018
Before you apply, please review the information on the FAQ page: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/igssfaq.html The Faculty of Graduate Studies offers scholarships valued at up to the international differential tuition fee amount, to graduate students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits);
(2) are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in:
(a) the second year of a Ph.D. program with a two-year fee structure (Plant Science/Soil Science);
(b) the first year of a Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of Manitoba;
(3) are paying the international student differential tuition fee; (6) are not recipients of external award funding that pays for their tuition.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to transfer from a Master’s to a PhD program, or to apply to a PhD program for the Summer 2018, Fall 2018 or Winter 2019 term after April 1st, 2018, you are encouraged to apply and must apply by the April 11th deadline if you wish to be considered for the IGSS for the 2018 -2019 academic year. Even if you are unsure of what you will do, you are encouraged to submit an application.
International Students who are unsure if they are eligible to apply are encouraged to submit an application. An assessment of eligibility will be performed once your complete application is received.
Martha Blouw Academic Advisor Department of Plant Science ǀ Department of Soil Science 226 Agriculture Building, 66 Dafoe Road University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2 T: 204.474.8223 F: 204.474.7528
participants (1)
Martha Blouw