[Fwd: Fwd: Graduate Fee Restructuring]
23 Mar
23 Mar
8:19 a.m.
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Fwd: Graduate Fee Restructuring Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 21:00:47 -0500 From: umbagava@cc.umanitoba.ca To: godardbd@cc.umanitoba.ca
Hi Bev,
Please forward this to all graduate students in plant science.
Thank you! Muthu
Muthukumar Bagavathiannan,
Ph.D. Scholar,
Division of Plant Science,
The University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi
----- Forwarded message from Meghan Gallant pres@umgsa.ca -----
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 20:32:23 -0500
From: Meghan Gallant pres@umgsa.ca
Reply-To: Meghan Gallant pres@umgsa.ca
Subject: Graduate Fee Restructuring
To: undisclosed-recipients@
Hi Councillors,
I wanted to provide an update to those of you who weren't available to
hear today's presentation from the graduate fees restructuring
committee. And to let you know that the GSA campaigns committee is
meeting on Wednesday, March 28 at 5pm in the GSA Office to discuss
follow-up to this news. Please circulate to anyone who may be interested.
The fee restructuring committee has proposed to eliminate the current
fee model that has students pay tuition fees for the first year of a
Master's or first two years of a PhD, and then pay reduced 'continuing
fees' after that. Instead, they are proposing that students pay a 'term
fee': a flat, unchanging fee each term throughout the full duration of a
degree. The current recommendation is to set this fee at $1,000,
although this is subject to approval from the University President and
the Board of Governors. This brings the cost of a graduate program,
whether Master's of PhD, to $3,000 per year.
The presenters indicated that this would be "approximately revenue
neutral". However, we crunched some numbers this afternoon, and this
model means fairly substantial increases to the cost of graduate
eduction. Specifically (in most programs):
23% increase to the total cost of a 2 year Master's
44% increase to the total cost of a 5 year PhD
For international students, the differential fee would now apply to all
fees assessed (differential fees do not apply to continuing fees under
the current model). This means:
33% increase to the total cost of a 2 year Master's
60% increase to the total cost of a 5 year Phd
Fees would continue to be assessed for any subsequent years at the $1000
per term rate.
We are obviously very concerned about the impact this will have on
access and on students' ability to complete their degrees in reasonable
time. We are preparing a full response to the recommendations, although
this has been difficult given the lack of information provided thus
far. We've requested a copy of the presentation given today, although
the presenters were uncertain as to whether we would be allowed to have
a copy.
We'll provide more updates and analysis as we have them, until then
please let students and faculty in your departments know that this is
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Meghan Gallant
University of Manitoba Graduate Students' Association
Local 96 - Canadian Federation of Students
221 University Centre
Phone: (204) 474-9181
Cell: (204) 291-6239
----- End forwarded message -----
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Bev Godard
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
66 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8563
Fax: (204) 474-7528
Age (days ago)
Last active (days ago)
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Bev Godard