Boletín Semanal de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas
[cid:image003.jpg@01D58828.D666AC20]http://hispanistas.ca/ [El boletín semanal de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas contiene noticias, convocatorias y mensajes de interés para nuestros miembros. Si quiere enviar un mensaje u otras noticias a los socios, envíe un email a la secretaria Lauren Beck lbeck@mta.ca. ,Para ver boletines anteriores, pulse aquí. Si quiere dejar de recibirlos, escriba a la secretaria.]
1. Convocatoria ACH 2020https://www.hispanistas.ca/congreso-2020-en-londres-ontario/ (Londres, Ontario, del 30 de mayo al 1 de junio): **NUEVO** Enviar propuestas de ponencias individuales, de sesiones y de mesas redondas por medio de nuestro sitio web. ¿Quiere organizar una sesión o mesa redonda? Envíe la convocatoria a la secretaria de la ACH, lbeck@mta.camailto:lbeck@mta.ca. Fecha límite: el 25 de enero de 2020.
2. Convocatoria de sesión, ACH 2020: Joint Session with the Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) and the Canadian Association of Hispanists (adjunto).
3. Convocatoria: Versos ibéricos. Intercambios poéticos entre España y Portugal, siglos XV-XVIII (Universidad de Sevilla, 22-24 enero de 2020; adjunto). 4. Oferta de trabajohttps://www.universityaffairs.ca/search-job/?job_id=48424: Spanish Second Language Education—Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Mississauga
5. Oferta de trabajo: The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies at the University of Saskatchewan invites applications for a one year term appointment in Spanish at the rank of Lecturer, effective July 1, 2019. The successful candidate will teach six three credit unit courses per year at various levels of Spanish language. Research and teaching interest could include Translation Studies, Latin American Indigenous Literature and Culture, Gender Studies or Postcolonial Studies. He/she will also be expected to contribute to the administrative duties and to the scholarly and artistic work activities of the department. The Department comprises French and Spanish as well as German, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic, and is housed in the College of Arts & Science which offers a dynamic combination of programs in the Humanities and Fine Arts, the Social Sciences and the Sciences. There are over 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students in the College and 295 faculty, including 10 Canada Research Chairs. The College emphasizes student and faculty research, scholarly and artistic work, interdisciplinary programs, community outreach and international opportunities. The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of over 24,000. Qualifications: The successful candidate will have native or near-native proficiency in Spanish and English, and a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching Spanish classes of various levels. A Ph.D. in Spanish is required. Experience and expertise in the use of computer-based language instruction will be considered an asset. Salary and Benefits: Salary band for this position is Lecturer: $77,613 to $115,245. This position includes a comprehensive benefits package which includes a dental, health and extended vision care plan; pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), sick leave, travel insurance, death benefits, an employee assistance program, a professional expense allowance, and a flexible health and wellness spending program. Application Procedure: Interested candidates should arrange to have three letters of reference sent to the Department Head and forward their CV, teaching evaluations and a statement of their philosophy of teaching to: Dr. Julio Torres-Recinos, Acting Head, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, 9 Campus Drive, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A5, Phone: 306.966.5681 Fax: 306.966.5782, Email: julio.torres@usask.ca cc to carla.schulz@usask.camailto:carla.schulz@usask.ca. Electronic submission of documents is preferred. The Department will accept applications until the position is filled but consideration of candidates will begin on April 1st, 2019 with provisional plans for online interviews during the first week of May, 2019. The University of Saskatchewan is strongly committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that empowers all employees to reach their full potential. All members of the university community share a responsibility for developing and maintaining an environment in which differences are valued and inclusiveness is practiced. The university welcomes applications from those who will contribute to the diversity of our community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
6. Oferta de trabajohttps://www.timeshighereducation.com/unijobs/listing/182771/spanish-language-tutor/: Spanish Language Tutor, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University, China.
7. Eventohttps://canada.unam.mx/es/eventos-unam-canada/programacion-celebraciones-dia-de-muertos-2019/?ct=t(actividades_enero_20171_4_2017_COPY_02)&mc_cid=0ed201a0e6&mc_eid=d4d293ddda: Día de los Muertos, UNAM Canadá (del 31 de octubre al 3 de noviembre).
8. Noticia: Ha fallecido Maryse Bertrand de Muñoz. Su colega, Emilia Inés Deffis, comparte con los socios la siguiente reflexión: “Maryse Bertrand de Muñoz fue, en el mismo momento en que yo cortaba raíces en Buenos Aires para replantarlas en tierra canadiense, una especie de hada madrina. Y lo hizo de manera muy concreta. Fue la primera persona que me ofreció la oportunidad de enseñar en Montreal. Todos aquellos que dejaron tras de sí familia, trabajo y cultura saben lo que esto significa. A partir de ahí, su investigación significó siempre para mí una inspiración y, casi sin darme cuenta, mis intereses me llevaron a estudiar la memoria histórica, campo que ella dominó en lo relativo a la guerra civil española. Maryse dejó una obra monumental, y varias generaciones de investigadores aprovecharán el fruto de sus trabajos. Hoy quiero evocar a la mujer, sensible, abierta y generosa. A la que tanto me dio sin hacer ruido ni ceremonias. Buen viaje, mi querida Maryse, mi corazón acoge con toda ternura la luz de tu recuerdo.”
9. Nuevas publicaciones de los socios:
Juan Sánchez et al, Siwar Mayu, vol. 8-9http://siwarmayu.com/.
***El boletín semanal de la ACH anunciará las publicaciones, reconocimientos y proyectos de los socios. Si Ud. acaba de publicar un libro, un artículo u otro proyecto académico, mande la referencia (y cuando posible un vínculo a la obra o a la noticia) a la secretaria (lbeck@mta.camailto:lbeck@mta.ca) y lo incluimos en el próximo boletín.***
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Dra. Lauren Beck Canada Research Chair in Intercultural Encounter Professor of Hispanic Studies/Visual and Material Culture Studies, Mount Allison University Adjunct Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Western University Secretaria, Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas Canada