Please see the message below sent from Laurie Schnarr.
Ali Wood-Warren (she) Director, Student Transitions and Success Centre 205 Tier Building [cid:image003.png@01DA739D.65EF1D00]Tel: 431 275-0984 Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences!
Follow us on Instagram! @UMFirstYearCentrehttps://www.instagram.com/UMfirstyearcentre/
I am grateful to the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Ojibwe-Cree, Dakota, Dene, and Red River Metis peoples, on whose lands I live and to the people of Shoal Lake 40, in Treaty 3 territory, whose water I drink.
Dear Colleagues,
Please forward this email to members of your team who provide advisement and support to students in your faculty/college/school.
As you may be aware, the upcoming exam period overlaps with the conclusion of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. The UM Spiritual Care & Multifaith Centre is offering the following information that we hope is helpful when responding to students who are making deferred exam requests due to their observance of Eid:
* Ramadan begins on March 11th, [1] culminating with Eid on April 10th this year (note- the dates vary year to year and may not always overlap with the final exam period). * During this time, students will be fasting during the day (no food or drink), only breaking their fast daily at sundown (approx. 8:00 p.m.). [2] For exams scheduled in evenings that may overlap with this, students should be permitted to defer exams or, if they choose to write the exam, be allowed to eat and drink accordingly. This could vary from student to student. * In addition, sleep is greatly impacted as individuals will be waking at 5:00 a.m.[3] daily and also engaging in nightly prayers. In combination with the daily fasting, this can contribute to feelings of fatigue and difficulty concentrating, which may impact their ability to write morning exams. * Finally, Eid is the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar and should be considered in the same way as Christmas Day or Good Friday. Muslim students should not be expected to write exams on this date. Please note that there is some division in the Muslim community about which date Eid is to be celebrated on, with some celebrating on April 10/11 and others on April 11/12 or April 12/13, depending on the sighting of the New Moon.
If you receive deferred exam requests on these grounds, they should be considered valid circumstances. If you have questions about a deferral request, please feel free to contact Heather Morrismailto:Heather%20Morris%20%3cHeather.Morris@umanitoba.ca%3e, Edgar Frenchmailto:Edgar%20French%20%3cEdgar.French@umanitoba.ca%3e, or Natasha Alimailto:Natasha%20Ali%20%3cNatasha.Ali@umanitoba.ca%3e.
Thank you.
1 According to Manitoba Islamic Association, Monday, March 11 is the first day of fasting.
2 The breaking of the fast will vary each day, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. throughout the month.
3 The starting of the fast will also vary each day throughout the month, from 6:20 a.m. to 5:15 a.m.
Laurie M. Schnarr, MA (she/her)
Vice-Provost (Students)
Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
University of Manitoba
208 Administration Building
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Tel: 204.474.6919
Confidential Assistant - Marci Davies Marci.Davies@umanitoba.camailto:Marcia.Davies@umanitoba.ca: 204.474.6917
Student Affairs: Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences
I acknowledge, with humility and gratitude, that the University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Ojibwe-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. As a white settler of English and German descent I am committed to walking alongside Indigenous students, colleagues, friends, and neighbours and doing the work that is necessary to honour the truth and contribute to lasting positive change.
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[1] According to Manitoba Islamic Association, Monday March 11 is the first day of fasting.
[2] The breaking of the fast will vary each day, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. throughout the month.
[3] The starting of the fast will also vary each day throughout the month, from 6:20 a.m. to 5:15 a.m.