Dear UM students,
The May Day and May Evening classes for the 2012 Summer Session commence the week of April 30. The Fee Payment deadline for courses in these time periods is Tuesday, May 1. If you have an outstanding balance after May 1, you will be assessed a Late Payment Fee. Check your account in Aurora for the specific payment dates that apply to your course registrations.
Reminder: You are responsible for tuition and general fees for all courses in which you are registered. The University of Manitoba will not cancel/de-register students from current term courses due to non-payment.
If you have registered for Summer 2012 courses and have decided not to attend, you must drop these courses by the applicable Registration Revision deadlines to avoid financial obligations for the course registrations. Please see the Summer Session website: Important Dates http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/coned/summer/dates/index.html for the dates that apply to the courses you are registered in. You will be subject to all associated fees for courses in which you are registered after the Revision Deadline. Although you may Voluntary Withdraw from courses after the Revision Deadline, you will not receive a refund of fees.
Courses are dropped using Aurora Student. If you are currently on Hold contact your faculty for assistance in dropping a course(s).
For further information, please refer to the Summer Session website: Fees/Refunds http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/coned/summer/fees/index.html .
Registrar's Office
Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success