[cid:image001.png@01D83D25.1F2E6C50] Message from Dr. Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor
Update on vaccine, mask and illness protocols for Summer Term
This week marks two years since UM moved to remote operations to help stop the spread of COVID-19, and since then our community has continued to make sacrifices in support of public health while offering the best-possible teaching and learning experience in these challenging times.
As the Omicron wave is receding, we are cautiously increasing in-person activity and looking to ease some restrictions. It is heartening to see more and more of you on our campuses and we are optimistic that we can continue toward more normal operations.
Vaccine mandate will end after Winter Term, masks continue
Today, we are announcing that starting May 4, UM will no longer require staff, students or visitors coming to our campus to have proof of vaccination. We will, however, continue to make the wearing of masks mandatory. We also continue to improve our ventilation systems to ensure a healthier environment for all.
We expect the majority of our classes will be held in-person in Summer Term, but we will continue to offer an important complement of Distance Education courses.
Stay home when you are sick We continue to ask anyone who is sick to stay home, and if you have a positive COVID-19 test, stay home for a minimum of five dayshttps://umanitoba.ca/covid-19/health-safety#testing-and-illness. Employee sick time or remote work arrangements (where possible) can be used for self-isolation - please connect with your supervisor to make required arrangements. Students should work directly with instructors to seek reasonable accommodation.
While it can be challenging to plan for the long term in a pandemic, we remain nimble and adjust to the challenges as they arise. We are committed to ensuring our community's health and safety. If the public health situation significantly changes before Summer Term, we will reassess our plans.
We have faced challenging times, and we have weathered them all together. Let's keep supporting each other because that's how we enable everyone's success.
Continue to take care of each other, and yourselves. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
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Michael Benarroch, Ph.D. President and Vice-Chancellor