Dear University of Manitoba Student,
The University of Manitoba has agreed to participate in an important national study on academic integrity being conducted by Julia Christensen Hughes from the University of Guelph and Don McCabe of Rutgers University. The purpose of this study is to identify what types of questionable academic behaviours students most report engaging in and what types of behaviours are perceived to be most frequently occurring by students, faculty and TAs. Ideas for what can be done to enhance cultures of integrity on Canadian university campuses will also be solicited. It is important that such behaviours and ideas be identified so that policies and practices can be developed that will help to protect the integrity of the academic experience and ensure a level playing field amongst students. Your participation will contribute to the national study as well as help the University of Manitoba identify what more it can be doing to help protect the integrity of your degree!
Please click on the below link if you are interested in the research. You will be taken to the consent form for the survey (including detailed information about the study), and then the survey itself, should you wish to participate. Participants are entitled to enter a prize draw for a U of M Bookstore gift card. A draw will be made for three gift cards valued at $300, $200, and $100. Click here to http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/saa/student_advocacy/academicintegrity/ai-survey-2012-consent.html visit the consent formhttp://www.umanitoba.ca/student/saa/student_advocacy/academicintegrity/ai-survey-2012-consent.html http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/saa/student_advocacy/academicintegrity/ai-su...
Thank you,
Brandy Usick Director, Student Advocacy and Accessibility Project site coordinator 204-474-7423 Brandy.Usick@ad.umanitoba.camailto:Brandy.Usick@ad.umanitoba.ca