Dear students, You remain our top priority as the University of Manitoba continues conciliation with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) this afternoon. We recognize that as the strike continues, you will have concerns. We also know you have questions related to topics such as the upcoming voluntary withdrawal date, exam schedules, and the December holiday break and are working to get you answers as soon as possible. Our goal remains to minimize the impact to the academic year. The official list of continuing classes continues to be updated regularly, so please check back often. Information on www.umanitoba.ca/strikeinfohttp://www.umanitoba.ca/strikeinfo is also updated regularly in response to questions we are receiving from you and with the latest news and information surrounding the strike. Any questions that aren't already answered, can be submitted through the site or by emailing strikeinfo@umanitoba.camailto:strikeinfo@umanitoba.ca. We are hopeful for a positive conclusion to conciliation and will inform you in the event of any updates.
Susan Gottheil Vice-Provost (Students)