U of M students, November's U of M Student Health 101 is now ready - check it out online at http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html Enter the November drawing for $1,000http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html - and check out what's in the November issue: [Sweat Out Your Stress]http://read101.ca/1113/03/umanitoba.html Sweat Out Your Stress Turn a bad day into a good workouthttp://read101.ca/1113/03/umanitoba.html
What's the Right Number of Meals for You? Discover how food frequency affects your energyhttp://read101.ca/1113/04/umanitoba.html
Creative Study Techniques 5 study methods that actually workhttp://read101.ca/1113/06/umanitoba.html
The Many Faces of Depression How to recognize warning signshttp://read101.ca/1113/05/umanitoba.html
"I Only Smoke When..." How casual cigarettes catch up with youhttp://read101.ca/1113/09/umanitoba.html
[This Weeks Poll] Smartphones, love them or hate them?http://read101.ca/smartphones/umanitoba.html
Be sure to like us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/UniversityofManitobaStudentHealth101 & follow us on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/SH101atUM to find out when we announce the lucky winner.
Thanks for your time,
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) Student Affairs, University of Manitoba marci_davies@umanitoba.camailto:marci_davies@umanitoba.ca http://www.umanitoba.ca/student
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) 204 474 6917 Student Affairs creating opportunities for student success